Here's just a small sample of all the different events we do at Sorte Firkant.

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Mother Tongue

Mother Tongue is a Poetry Night, where people are invited to read or perform in their Mother Tongue/ language of origin.


Bakri Hammami & Bilal Irshed: Layli al Ons Tarab Night | Photo: Tariq

Bakri Hammami & Bilal Irshed: Layli al Ons Tarab Night | Photo: Tariq

Music Concerts

We do concerts with a focus on jazz and experimental music from around the world.


Photo: Neli Sharifi

Photo: Neli Sharifi

Sorte Firkant for KiDS

We do creative workshops for kids on weekends. The event programme is organised by Neli Sharifi.

Poster from Rania & Raed Rafei's film 74: The reconstitution of a struggle

Poster from Rania & Raed Rafei's film 74: The reconstitution of a struggle